Website Manager

Madison Area Youth Soccer Association

SafeSport Training Resources

In 2017, the United States Congress passes the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act, which codified the U.S. Center for SafeSport (CSS) as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to serve as the nation’s safe sport organization. CSS is an independent organization with the scope and authority to resolve abuse and misconduct reports from more than 11 million individuals throughout the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. As a member of Georgia Soccer, Madison Area Youth Soccer Association (MAYSA) is affiliated with CSS and utilizes, where feasible, its policies and procedures to help prevent and report abuse and misconduct.

CSS’ website is located at and is an important resources for club personnel and all members of the MAYSA family to become educated in identifying and reporting the signs of youth abuse and misconduct. MAYSA stands committed to protecting our members and espouses the policies and principles articled by this independent oversight organization. Below are direct links to resources specific to those personnel who intend to serve as coaches, team managers, and in other roles at the club; however, these links are useful for anyone who wants to learn more about the SafeSport program.

Safe Sport Code

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

CSS’ Training and Education Materials

CSS’ Abuse and Misconduct Reporting Portal

CSS’ Frequently Asked Questions

SafeSport Training Course

MAYSA Volunteers: As volunteers we ask that you familiarize yourselves with SafeSport principles and then upload a completed SafeSport Training Certificate when asked for your SafeSport certificate during the registration process. If you do not already have the training completed, please complete the following form:  MAYSA Safesport Acknowledgement Form in place of the training certificate during your player's registration process. You will be given 45 days to complete the SafeSport training once you have accepted a volunteer role.  

If you have any questions or need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Madison Area Youth Soccer Association board members or send your question to [email protected].

Risk Management Information

Risk Management Information: